Invisible Womxn
Invisible Womxn is a site-specific performance with two versions. The first version was a 3 hour long durational performance at Cal Anderson Park (Seattle). The second was a series of 3, 20 minuted extracts presented during the musical festival Bumbershoot (Seattle). This piece brings to the forefront stories of local womxn who shaped our city and state from the very beginning yet little mention is made. These brave womxn were full partners in the bold venture of Seattle’s founders. My aim was to create a performance event that was a celebration, without obscuring our history of erasure. As part of the process each collaborator researched and interviewed womxn in WA State whose history they wanted to highlight and remember. In the park version we had local womxn talk about their work to create more space for other womxn as a soundscape. Both performances ended with the all female/ non-binary marching band, The Filthy Fem Corps.